Month Hiatus and A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

by - January 04, 2016

Heyo guys!

It's been real long time since I posted my last blog. I was so caught up in few things, you see. Anyway, now that I am back, I'd like to start my blog by wishing you all a very Happy New Year! May this year bring joy to everyone!

So, it's 2016 already huh? I am glad 2015 is over, although I am grateful for so many things, it just wasn't THE year for me. I know resolutions are too mainstream and the 'new year, new me' is bull crap to most of us, but we gotta bring some changes within us, right?
This year, I'll put forward three resolutions for myself (I have never made a new year resolution BTW)

  • Stay positive, avoid negativity.
  • Be happy & healthy
  • Don't compare yourself with others.

This is it, I guess. My mind is behaving empty right now even though it's filled up, you get what I mean? No? Okay then. 

Movie of the day: Legally Blonde
Song of the day: Company - Justin Bieber

What about you? What changes you'd like to see within yourself?
Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,
A is signing off


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