by - February 10, 2016

Hello there my beautiful readers,

It's been a while (sigh). I know, yes I can see you pointing fingers at me and yelling, 'YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO PUBLISH EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY(?)' God, I am embarrassed actually for not following my set schedule! Is it too late now to say sorry? (wink)

Anyway, what day is it today? Or yesterday to be exact? IT WAS NATIONAL PIZZA DAY AKA THE LOVE OF MY LIFE'S DAY! How do you guys feel about this? I know I feel mad crazy because pizza is basically one the top foods which make my mood level go from zero to ten real quick!

Quick blog update;

Firstly, as you can see, I am currently giving my blog a whole new look. I am going through several templates and avatars that I think will suit best for my blog. If you guys have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments below!

I have decided there's going to be a lot of sharing in my blog, meaning, I'll post several things from all around the internet including DIYs, Movie/Book reviews, Tutorials, Cooking/Baking recipes, Thoughts/Feelings etc. (Obviously I am going to credit the source from where I'll share all this with you all) It's going to fun! 

I would love to know what you guys think about this idea? Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated! 

Don't forget to share this on your social media,
Let your friends know about my blog! (It'll mean A LOT )

Until next time,
A is signing off,

P.S expect a blog post soon. ;)

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